Lawrence Grossberg
Lawrence Grossberg is the Morris Davis Distinguished Professor of
Communication Studies and Cultural Studies, Adjunct Professor of
Anthropology, and the Director of the University Program in Cultural
Studies, at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He is
the co-editor of the international journal Cultural Studies. His
books include Bringing it all Back Home: Essays on Cultural Studies,
and Dancing in Spite of Myself: Essays on Popular Culture (both Duke
University Press, 1997), MediaMaking: Mass Media in a Popular
Culture (with Ellen Wartella, D. Charles Whitney and MacGregor Wise,
Sage, 2005), New Keywords: A Revised Vocabulary of Culture and
Society (With Tony Bennett and Meaghan Morris, Blackwells, 2005) and
Caught in the Crossfire: Kids, politics and America's future
(Paradigm, 2005).