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The basis of the 3D-Bridge – transferring of cultural heritage with new technology project (later 3D- Bridge) is to preserve European cultural heritage, to study multiperspective design practices and architecture and to adapt them to practical building preservation. So far, the research of physical cultural heritage has in most cases utilised conventional study and presentation methods. However, the recent technological developments and modelling of buildings of cultural heritage in different parts of Europe have proved the 3D- technique to be a very practicable method of research and virtual mobility.

Project targets


The goal is to implement the 3D-Bridge project in cooperation between three European countries. The project leader and applicant will be the University of Jyväskylä (Finland). Other co-organisers will include the Evakkosäätiö Foundation (Iisalmi, Finland) and the Seinäjoki Polytechnic (Seinäjoki, Finland), Bibliotheca Hertziana (Rome, Italy) and Royal Holloway, University of London (United Kingdom).